Tomorrow is Independence Day, the day we celebrate our country's freedom. And, not coincidentally, the Lord had some words for me this morning from my readings in Psalms and Proverbs:
Psalm 33:12 "What joy for the nation whose God is the LORD,whose people he has chosen as his inheritance."
Proverbs 28:2 "When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.
But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability."
My prayer this morning is a prayer of repentance:
God of every nation, including ours, forgive our "boot-strap" theology, thinking we can set our own course and simply ask You to bless it. Forgive the moral rot that exists within our nation, our leaders, and our selves. Restore to us the joy of knowing that You are our God, and there is no other. In Your grace, grant our leaders wisdom and knowledge, that they might lead us in Your strength. And give us the wisdom and knowledge to follow leaders of Your choosing: in our nation, in our states, in our cities, and even in our homes. We ask this in the name of the One who created all things by the breath of His mouth. Amen.
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